Criminal Defense

Can You Be a Teacher If You Have a DWI in Texas?

In Texas, educators are held to high standards of professional conduct, both inside and outside the classroom. This expectation extends beyond their teaching duties and into their personal lives. As a result, legal infractions can have major consequences on their
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Can I Get a CDL With a DWI?

Truckers like life on the road, especially when they travel the open highway. The profession is an important job economically. However, one mistake can also derail a trucker’s life. Usually, this mistake involves drinking and driving. A DWI defense
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How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Record?

A DWI defense lawyer can help you navigate the far-reaching effects of a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) conviction can have far-reaching effects - effects that extend beyond the initial legal penalties. A DWI will remain on your record indefinitely unless
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How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost Me?

Many states authorize jail time for even a first-time DWI offense, and the long-term consequences of a DWI conviction can derail your personal, educational, and even professional ambitions. Fortunately, a DWI lawyer can often mitigate the penalties you face. But
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How Much is Bail for DWI in Texas?

Navigating the Texas legal system can be an intimidating process, especially when it comes to criminal charges such as a DWI in Texas. One of the common worries people have when facing a DWI charge is the amount of bail
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How to get 2nd DWI Charges Reduced

Facing a second DWI charge can be a stressful situation with a lot at stake. The legal repercussions and potential consequences of a repeat offense are typically significantly more severe than those for a first-time offense. However, you don’t
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How to Avoid Jail Time for a 3rd DWI in Texas

The State of Texas takes DWI charges very seriously. DWI stands for driving while intoxicated, and a conviction can lead to various penalties, including probation, monetary fines, and jail time. These penalties can increase significantly with the number of prior
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How to Beat a DWI in Texas

In Texas, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense, and a conviction can lead to serious penalties, including possible jail time. The best way to beat a DWI in Texas is to raise a strong and successful legal defense
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How Does a DWI Affect Insurance?

A DWI (driving while intoxicated) can significantly affect your car insurance rates and coverage. After a DWI, your premiums will likely increase because the insurance company sees you as a high-risk driver. A DWI on your record can also make
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Is DWI a Misdemeanor in Texas?

In Texas, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) can be a felony or misdemeanor, depending on several factors. A first-time DWI offense is typically a Class B misdemeanor. However, if your blood alcohol concentration is 0.15 or higher, it becomes a Class A
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